Alexis Tambe

CO Founder

Alexis embarked on her marketing journey armed with a prestigious degree from Ithaca College, honing her skills in the dynamic field of marketing. Hailing from upstate New York, a region renowned for its wealth of media talent, Alexis emerged as a standout figure in the industry.

In her relatively brief yet impactful professional tenure, Alexis has left an indelible mark by spearheading several successful ventures. From establishing a thriving property management business to excelling as a realtor and digital marketing expert, her multifaceted expertise positions her as a driving force behind the success of RBM.

Alexis’s unwavering conviction serves as a catalyst, propelling both her clients and employees forward with unwavering determination. Her innovative strategies and forward-thinking approach complement Eric’s seasoned experiences, laying a solid foundation for RBM to emerge as a prominent national entity in the years to come.